A Hostinger Self Managed VPS for Joomla Website Hosting configured correctly can be very fast, secure and reliable Web Hosting solution for hosting si...
Joomla Dedicated Server Hosting
Dedicated servers are recommended for high performance Joomla Website hosting with exclusive resource allocation providing high speed,security and rel...
Joomla VPS Website Hosting
Virtual private server (VPS) hosting is an option between shared and dedicated hosting utilising a separate virtual space for each user on a single ph...
Free Joomla Website Hosting Status Check
Many Joomla Website owners are totally unaware of the status of their websites, databases, and hosting environments, the potential risks of being comp...
Scala Hosting Managed VPS Joomla Website Hosting
A Scala Hosting Managed VPS for Joomla Website Hosting is very fast, secure and reliable Web Hosting and perfect for hosting single or multi...
Moving Joomla Websites from one host to another
Hosting, moving, transferring or migrating all kinds of Joomla websites between multiple hosting providers since 2005 we have a great d...
Joomla Website Setup
This job involved installing a new site built by another developer on the clients hosting, updating the Joomla version, along with the template and al...
I can't get information from my host, can you still move my Joomla site?
Yes, in most cases as long as we have a Joomla Super User/Super Admin login we can relocate your website, with these and FTP access it's even more lik...
Can you move my Joomla site for me?
Yes, we are extremely experienced in moving Joomla sites from one host to another, we have successfully moved several hundred Joomla sites since 2005,...
Move hacked Joomla site to new host and update version
This involved transferring a Joomla 2.5 site from GoDaddy to Siteground, removing malware, restoring hacked Joomla source, repair of corrupt database,...
Set up VPS, transfer and cleanup 18 hacked Joomla Websites
This consisted of; replacing a compromised WHM/Cpanel VPS web server, building and configuring a new VPS, installing and configuring Plesk, a firewall...
Copy Website Files to New Domain Name
This job involved installing a new site built by another web developer on the clients hosting, removing vulnerable extensions, replacing hacked core J...
Joomla Expert Needed Urgently!!
This job involved removing malware, database repair, restoring hacked Joomla source, migrating the sites to adequate and secure hosting,updating the J...
Fix Joomla 4 Site Security Vulnerabilities
This job involved removing malware, database repair, restoring hacked Joomla source, replacing extensions modified by previous developers with overrid...
Review and Clean up of 3 Joomla based sites
This project involved copying the sites to a quarantine area on our server, removing malicious code, database repair, restoring core Joomla and extens...
Import and setup Joomla website using A2 Hosting
This project involved installing a Joomla site backup from Windows hosting on Linux hosting which presented all kinds of unexpected problems which wer...
Update Joomla site from Joomla 1.5 to 3 and php version from 5.3 to 7
This project consisted of transferring a Joomla e-commerce site to new hosting and involved the following; Producing a migration plan Transfer of Joom...
Transfer of Joomla Page/ Updates, Security check
This involved transfer of a Joomla 3 site to new hosting and included; updating Joomla and replacing multiple broken extensions, removal of malicious ...
Plesk and Joomla site migrations
Two Joomla 3 sites needed migrating from one Linux/Plesk environment to another which was a newer version, the PHP version and the Joomla sites and ex...