Encrypt your Mobile Devices

Encrypt your Mobile Devices

With the increase in mobile devices along with the amount of sensitive personal and business data stored on them it's crucial that you encrypt your storage.

When using encryption, stored data is scrambled and unreadable to others unless the pass-code or decryption key is entered then the data is readable.

Many of us have multiple portable devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops and USB flash drives, all of which are susceptible to being misplaced, lost or stolen. Once your private data which could include contact details, bank details, your address, credit and debit card details, multiple types of messages and media gets into the wrong hands you will face many risks.

Most smartphones and tablets have in built encryption and Laptops usually include encryption tools within their operating systems for encrypting your internal, external hard drives or USB drives.

Maybe all of your all your mobile devices are already encrypted, it's certainly worth checking.

If they're not and as it usually costs nothing more than your time you should encrypt your devices.

Make sure your encryption keys are stored safely in a secure password manager for example. 

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