This consisted of repairing a compromised web server, malware removal, installation and configuration of a firewall, and virus scanner, re-configuring...
Speed Up Page Load Times on VPS With 50 Plus Websites
This involved analysing a VPS hosting multiple Joomla and WordPress websites with Plesk, quantifying load times on a sample of 100,000 plus web pages,...
Update Joomla Website
This consisted of updating the Joomla version, along with the template and all extensions, implementing additional site security measures, along with ...
Complete Joomla and Wordpress Project
This job involved fixing issues with a Joomla website with WordPress embedded for the blog, updating the Joomla version, along with the template and a...
Joomla Website Setup
This job involved installing a new site built by another developer on the clients hosting, updating the Joomla version, along with the template and al...
Joomla Setup and re-configure Existing Site
This job involved configuring Joomla correctly, setting up native SEF URL's, implementing additional site security measures, along with automated dail...
Repair of Joomla Website
This job involved re-configuring Joomla, setting up the hosting configuration correctly, setting file ownership and permissions, updating the PHP vers...
Fix Joomla 4 Site Security Vulnerabilities
This job involved removing malware, database repair, restoring hacked Joomla source, replacing extensions modified by previous developers with overrid...
Upgrade Joomla Site from 1.5 to 3
This job involved migrating a Joomla 1.5 site to a stable and secure Joomla 3 site, importing users, and content, along with template and CSS modifica...
Jreviews migration from version 2.7 to 3 on travel guide website
This project involved the following a heavily customised Joomla/Jreviews website using custom Jreviews themes with no documentation from the previous ...
Finalize our Joomla Website and Make it Live
This involved adding additional security measures and a backup system to the site, along with fixing template and CSS issues This involved adding addi...
Joomla,AUP,Community Builder Subs Integration Repair
This involved fixing Alpha User Points, and user registration and membership renewal issues on a Joomla membership site with over 10,000 active users ...
Upgrade and Relocate Joomla Website
This involved migrating Joomla from 1.5, along with EasyBlog, removing malware, restoring hacked Joomla source by previous developers, and moving the ...
Joomla Website Maintenance Multiple Joomla Sites
This involved auditing multiple Joomla sites, adding them to our support system, repairing broken pages, adding additional security, and now ongoing g...
Joomla 2.5 - Review a 50 Questions Test
This was an interesting Job, it was a Joomla Experts test to allow developers to qualify as Joomla Experts, the original authors certainly weren't rea...
Review and Clean up of 3 Joomla based sites
This project involved copying the sites to a quarantine area on our server, removing malicious code, database repair, restoring core Joomla and extens...
Fix Alpha User Points
This involved fixing problems with Alpha User Points on a Joomla paid membership site with Community Builder, CB Paid Subscriptions an...
RSForm Project
This job consisted of adding custom multi page forms using RSForm on a Joomla website enabling users to upload documents, and make payments. Thanks fo...
Migrate Joomla website to Plesk hosting
This involved backing up a Joomla website, transferring to a new host, performing a security audit, updating the Joomla version and all extensions, an...
Hexolen Company Website Development - Joomla CMS
This involved developing an existing newly built website, migration to a new host, performing a security audit, updating the Joomla version and all ex...