Secure your Joomla Website with an SSL Certificate

Secure your Joomla Website with an SSL Certificate

Secure your site with an SSL Certificate A Secure Sockets Layer - or SSL - certificate is a web security protocol and essential for protecting your site visitors' sensitive data against fraud and identity theft.

We can provide, manage and install SSL Certificates to secure your sites data by providing encryption (scrambling of data to prevent tampering during transmission) and validation (verification of the business behind the website)

SSL certificates come in different levels of security, depending on the level of protection and security features you need. Often, these features are obvious - Site Seals, HTTPS, and the "green bar" are all visual indicators of a protected site - other times, the security is behind-the-scenes. No matter what level you choose, SSL protection reassures visitors that your site is safe, leading to greater customer trust and increased reliability for your business or brand.

CONTACT US for a free no obligation consultation to discuss your SSL requirements.

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We offer a wide range of services at Joomla Fixers, including remote on-demand and scheduled Joomla Website Support, Website Design, Website Development, Website Maintenance, Website Marketing, and Website Hosting. Our services cater to both end users and web design studios worldwide.

With over 15 years of experience in overseeing, fixing, constructing, managing, and enhancing Joomla websites since 2005, we are able to operate highly effectively thanks to our Joomla Website Support System.

Joomla Fixers-Joomla Website Support and Maintenance Specialists
Realvision Internet Limited
124 City Road
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United Kingdom

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