Joomla 5.1.1 and Joomla 4.4.5 Released

Joomla 5.1.1 and Joomla 4.4.5 Released

Let's celebrate! The Joomla! Project is pleased to announce the release of Joomla 5.1.1, alongside Joomla 4.4.5,This are bug fix releases for the 5.x and 4.x series of Joomla. These releases continues Joomla's high standards in accessible web design, highlighting Joomla's values of inclusiveness, simplicity and security into an even more powerful open-source web platform.

Bug fixes and Improvements with 5.1.1

  • [5.1] Fix comment syntax in update SQL scripts "5.1.0-2024-02-24.sql" for adding TUF by @richard67 in #43306
  • [5.1] DarkMode selector by @brianteeman in #43310
  • [5.1] Light/Dark Mode switch by @brianteeman in #43454
  • [5] correct forum link by @alikon in #43414
  • [5.1] Correct message type for Redirect plugin state by @Fedik in #43402
  • [5.1] Fix TinyMCE media button, frontend edit by @Fedik in #43376
  • [5.1] Fix TinyMCE media button, insert link bug by @Fedik in #43374
  • [5.1] EmptyState Help links by @brianteeman in #43371
  • [5.1] PHP Deprecated: PDO::quote(): Passing null by @alikon in #43288
  • [5.1] Add backward compatibility for older Plugin/Module bootstrap modals by @Fedik in #43291
  • [5.1] Fix calendar value by @Fedik in #43234
  • [5.1] Fix for legacy editor-xtd plugins with array of buttons by @Fedik in #43129
  • [5.1] CodeMirror 6 Javascript highlighting not working by @OctavianC in #43114
  • [5.1] fix wrong parameter value of new trailingslash parameter in SEF plugin by @SniperSister in #43292
  • [5.1] Fix missing entries in help index by @LadySolveig in #43251
  • [5.1] Fix build tool helpTOC.php by @LadySolveig in #43250
  • [5.1] Adminmenu: Toggle for duplicate menus by @richard67 in #43308
  • [5.1] Changelog deprecation by @alikon in #43219
  • [5.1] Fix PHP warnings on newly created custom fields by @Quy in #42956
  • [5.1] Template-param-brand by @chmst in #41458
  • [5.1] Update Doc Link by @brianteeman in #43370
  • [5.1] Proper support for avif/webp images by @dgrammatiko in #43295
  • [5.1] Media manager thumbnails better try/catch by @dgrammatiko in #43468
  • [5.1] Joomla Update : extensions check never ends (from #43226) by @conseilgouz in #43410
  • [5.1] Change redirect url (from headers['Location']) from array to string in CurlTransport by @sergeytolkachyov in #42769d) by @robertsilen in #43368
  • [5.1] com_redirect - inline help for Activate Advanced Mode button by @pe7er in #43435
  • [5.1] DateTime: Don't convert when there is no user by @Hackwar in #435

What about Joomla 4.4.5?
Joomla 4.4.5 has no new features. However, you are required to upgrade from Joomla 4.x to Joomla 5.x
It contains updates to allow for a smoother upgrade path but no new features.

Click or press here for full release information.

It's extremely important to keep your Joomla installation, and extensions up to date to minimise the risk of your site being compromised, you should also check that you are not using vulnerable extensions by visiting Joomla! Vulnerable Extensions List.

Many site owners are totally unaware of the status of their Joomla websites, databases, and hosting environments, the potential risks of being compromised, and the implications of private personal data held. Also many site owners are paying extortionate hosting fees for below standard services running on out of date and insecure hosting environments. 

We offer a wide range of services at Joomla Fixers, including remote on-demand and scheduled Joomla Website Support, Website Design, Website Development, Website Maintenance, Website Marketing, and Website Hosting. Our services cater to both end users and web design studios worldwide.

With over 15 years of experience in overseeing, fixing, constructing, managing, and enhancing Joomla websites since 2005, we are able to operate highly effectively thanks to our Joomla Website Support System.

Joomla Fixers-Joomla Website Support and Maintenance Specialists
Realvision Internet Limited
124 City Road
London, EC1V 2NX
United Kingdom

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